January 25, 2009

Coming Up For Air

Thanks, all, for your good wishes, prayers and comments after Wolf’s 6 Dec 2008 post.

I have been “cleared” to post a bit, as opposed to laying low while Wolf and his friends try to work out a permanent solution to a problem that has come up to CONUS from the hell hole I visited in late November (well, a small part of it was a visit, the rest was as a profoundly reluctant guest), in the form of some spooks who wish to pursue certain topics we never quite got through discussing to their satisfaction when I was previously in their clutches.

Theoretically, I argued, even if these miscreants know about Hard Astarboard, they can’t read a post and determine where it was posted from. I hope.

Safehouse-wise, newspapers, TV and radio abound, and luckily, one is not cut off from news, or, at least, from the dubious offerings put forth by the MSM.

I find it pretty interesting that our new president, Obama, is already starting to tick off some of those that rooted vociferously for him during election season. The Muzzies were vocal about the fact that he didn’t throw his all behind Hamas and condemn the Israelis for defending themselves by finally invading the Gaza Strip. I myself was surprised when he made remarks that people, referring to the Israelis, have a right to defend themselves, knowing that, along with Irreverend Wright, he has previously taken a strong pro-Hamas/ pro-Palestinian stance.

After the NYT railed against Camp Delta, down yonder at GITMO, as Torture Central and, in complete agreement with Obama, whom they worshipped as the true messiah during his campaign, believed the place should be closed down, well…

…now that Obama has ordered that the incarceratory complex there be shut down, the Grey Lady of the Left has this to say.

First they claimed that GITMO is illegally/illicitly holding all sorts of innocent, misunderstood, nice, right neighborly folks, mis-identified as terrorists/ enemy combatants, etc, now that their hero the Messiah is President and has decreed that GITMO be de-prisonered, they abruptly admit that Said Ali al-Shihri, a GITMO releasee, is a terrorist whose release enabled him to do further damage as such.

I foresee a lot of unforeseen turmoil between Obama and a whole passel o’ folks on his side of the aisle in the next couple of years, I think mainly because the new president is out to prove that he’s his own man and will attempt to do so by going against the policy preferences of his own side from time to time.

I agree with Wolf that we need to give Obama a chance, no matter what we think of him, his beliefs or his policies. He was elected by the majority of the voting public. The way the liberals went after Bush from the minute he was elected was both disgraceful and, to my way of thinking, just a bit treasonous, and I’d hate to think that any conservative, whom I would expect to remain a true American, would thus badmouth the chief executive officer of the United States of America. Leave that to the liberals, they have neither the grace, the maturity nor the class to behave like adults when they don’t get their way politically.

So I’ll just sit back and watch, and see how things develop as a result of the policies of the Obama Administration and its relationship with the Democrat majority in the House and the Senate.

The new president is already in the midst of reversing a whole slew of Bush Administration policies, and these include a few that are centered around the 2nd Amendment, such as the still pending legislature on the right to carry firearms in our national parks. Obama wishes that all still pending policies be put on hold for “review” by himself and his cabinet.

All this in less than a week. Hmmmm.

by @ 4:23 pm. Filed under Just Talking
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6 Responses to “Coming Up For Air”

  1. BB-Idaho Says:

    Was wondering…have you been cleared to write about HellHole cuisine yet? :)

  2. Kat Says:

    SETH!!!! Oh, thank the good Lord above that you’re OK… I’ve been keeping an eye on the blog, hoping that you’d check in, and I’m glad I did. Nevertheless, please keep safe, and know that I’m thinking of you and sending a lot of hugs - and that there’s a bottle of Laphroig waiting for you any time you’d care to visit!

    Love and Hugs,

    – Kat (Romeocat)

  3. Gayle Says:

    I echo Kat’s sentiments, Seth, except I don’t have any Laphroig waiting for you. Sorry! Seriously, I’m very happy to know that you’re okay!

    Regarding your post, I agree with you. We definitely do not want to act like the liberals did while President Bush was in office, although we do need to hold Obama accountable. I truly despise his approval of abortion, especially partial birth abortion. His approval rating fell from 85% to 68% in less than a week in the Gallup polls. Yes, when Bush first began his presidency his rating was lower, but I still think this shows that not all who voted for him are happy with their decision. Of course the left is bragging about how high his approval rating is.

    But the good news is that you are okay. Stay safe! Can’t help but wonder what you are up to though. :)

  4. Seth Says:

    BB –

    There wasn’t much to the cuisine in question, at least not from where I stood, my hosts apparently didn’t think that losing 60 lbs (going from 225 - 165) last year was quite enough weight loss for me; Out of sheer concern for my well being, I’m sure, they kept me mostly on a starvation diet. Right neighborly of ‘em. What I did get to eat a few precious times was a sort of corn meal bread kind of thing, nothing I’d order in a restaurant, but which was delicious under the circumstances.

    Kat –

    Thanks. :-)

    Even though I quit imbibing last June, when I have the opportunity to visit you, hubby and the munchkin again, I will lift the self-ban (I wasn’t “hooked” or anything, I was just doing an awful lot of it for awhile, there) and definitely hoist some glasses of Laphroaig!

    Gayle –

    I’m ensconced in a safehouse-style life at the moment.

    Some changes in geography, etc. Can’t wait until it’s over. :-(

  5. Always On Watch Says:

    BHO and the Dems are moving mighty fast. Few obstacles in their way, though I’ve seen a few bright spots and heard some rumbles from those I know who voted for BHO.

  6. Seth Says:

    AOW –

    They may load up too many agendas at once, and cause a backlash from any number of sources. To that extent, I have “Hope”. ;-)