September 21, 2007


…what happened was, I received an email from a year-ago client about three weeks ago, one of those “we should have listened to you to begin with” kinds of things — I won’t go any further than that in the interests of professional/proprietary considerations, but let’s just say that the project has blossomed from the week it might have required me a year ago to a period of weeks today.

More interruption of my much needed semi-retirement, but I sometimes feel emptily bored not having something challenging to my career skills around, anyway…

I don’t always have a lot of trouble balancing professional and other concerns, but for the last couple of weeks or so, I’ve been practically living this project, which has involved a few one-day out of town trips and a lot of other factors that have consumed my time and as a result, I haven’t had any time to post more than two articles since Labor Day, and I’ve had the same paucity of time where visiting other blogs has been concerned.

Luckily, the project’s about completed, and FedEx will be hearing from me presently.

This doesn’t mean that I’ve been ignoring the news, and I have to laugh at this one…

Certain portside “journalists” have turned the Sally Fields awards incident into a possible dastardly right-wing FOX censorship of the Flying Some, But Not Much’s First Amendment rights. Others who also list sharply to port suggest that not only Sally, but other Hollywood types whose profanities were omitted or bleeped over, were also being persecuted ala deprivation of their freedom of speech.

The whole kerfuffle stems from Fields making a comment that if mothers were in charge, there would be no “g’damd” war. The censors cut off the last two words for the expletive, and I suppose these lefties, always grasping at any straw to villify some conservative or some conservative institution, equate the missing non-swear word with some great and profound political revelation.

It wasn’t even an original line, in fact it’s adorned many a bumper sticker in years gone by.

These folks can get really, really pedestrian. It’s beginning to sound a lot like the kind of stuff you’d have found in Pravda “back in the day”.

Racial bigotry conjuring, parasite exploiters of their fellow blacks comedy team Sharpton & Jackson are back in action on the Louisiana front, looking to milk some political capital out of events in Jena.

On the Israeli front…

Speculations abound surrounding the Israeli air strikes on Syria.

The speculation of Bret Stephens, author of the linked OpEd makes the most sense among the theories brought up, and speaking of Israel, my favorite all time Democrat and a former mayor of my hometown Ed Koch has written another column that’s worth reading.

Last but most definitely not least, and whether you believe that there exists a North American Union (NAU) agenda behind the Security & Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) or you don’t, this is exactly the kind of thing — the only thing, hopefully — needed to beat back advances of that stealth agenda.

Cudos to folks on both sides of the aisle for foiling the Mexican Truckers From Hell debacle.

The Amendment was sponsored by Byron Dorgan (D-North Dakota), and passed by a whopping 74-24 margin. Since the amendment contains language already included in a House-funding bill, it will likely survive the conference committee and stop the program. Susan Tully of the Federation for American Immigration Reform says the Senate vote is a real blow to the Bush Administration.

“It’s a real big deal stopping the Mexican trucks from coming. President Bush signed the agreement with Mexico and Canada for the Security Prosperity Partnership across the borders and through that partnership without any agreement or any oversight on the part of Congress,” says Tully.

She says there is great concern that the Mexican trucks have lower safety standards, and could facilitate the smuggling of drugs, terrorists, and illegal aliens. However, Tully says that perhaps the greater concern is that the Mexican truck pilot plan is just one step in the overall agenda of bringing about a North American Union. According to Tully, one can go to and find all of the documents pertaining to this pilot program and see exactly what is taking place.

This also makes the score U.S. 3, “La Raza” 1 (and this by outright cheating on the part of the Democrats, imagine tampering with the scoreboard at Wrigley Field or Fenway Pahk!) in recent Congressional actions.

I was reading someplace that Mexican Prez Calderon is furious about this setback to his U.S. invasion plans, and said something in a speech to the effect that Mexico is a country that extends beyond its borders.


Sounds to me like the little shit needs to have a professional slapper-arounder in his entourage to tend to him when he blurts such boneheaded blurtings.

**************** UPDATE ****************

This article contributes some amount of creedence to Bret Stephens’ theory in his above linked OpEd.

by @ 7:51 am. Filed under Just Talking
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5 Responses to “Well…”

  1. MariesTwoCents Says:

    Sally Field is a dissapointment. The “Flying Nun” has turned into The “Flying Nut”.

    And have you ever noticed where the is a pot of Racial Crap to be stirred, Sharpton is ALWAY’S there?

    Maybe if Sharpton and Jackson would back off, the Country can focus on who the real enemy is (Radical Islam) and quit with all this racial bullhockey!

  2. Gayle Says:

    Dang, Marie thinks like I do! I’ve been calling her “the Flying Nutcase”. :)

    You certainly haven’t been ignoring the news, Seth. So Mexico’s President blew it, did he? Heh! Well, we all know he thinks Texas and California belong to Mexico for sure! No surprise there. Can you say “arrogant?” Sheesh!

  3. Seth Says:

    Marie –

    If it weren’t for opportunities to stir up racial divides, Sharpton & Jackson would have to get honest work. Their careers are based almost solely on making every incident possible into a bigotry issue.

    They are two of the biggest creators, by design, of racial tension in America, and the sad part is that too many of those whom they “champion” believe they are sincere, just as most black voters still go along with the myth that the Democrats give a rat’s hindquarters about their wellbeing, except where it concerns their ability to make it to the polls on Election Day.

    Gayle –

    When I read about that statement re Mexico “extending beyond its borders” I thought, “Well, it looks like Calderone should have run as the Reconquista candidate“.

    I haven’t been wasting any of what little time I’ve had visiting the MSM (just short visits to other blogs, alternative media and stuff that’s been emailed to me), so I don’t know how much attention they gave that one, but any right-thinking American should look at that for what it is, a testimonial of utter disregard for the sovereignty of the United States.

    He is no doubt encouraged by all the SPP efforts to enjoin his failed, corrupt, miserable government with those of the U.S. and Canada.

    I was glad to see Congress stepping right up to the plate on this one. I’m also hoping that the entire affair brings more media attention (yeah, right!) to the SPP/NAU agendas and gets Congress more involved when the 2 presidents, the prime minister and our own Foreign Relations Committee sign agreements affecting our economy, security and sovereignty without consulting We, The People.

  4. BB-Idaho Says:

    Seth, about swallowed my chew when you came down in favor of the Dorgan Amendment. Politics sure makes strange bedfellows. see

  5. Seth Says:

    BB –

    I don’t really look at the concept of the Mexican truck invasion as an issue for partisan politics — even to the Democrats (or most of them, anyway), this isn’t like “distant” Iraq, climate change or some intangible with which they can play their irresponsible politics while U.S. public opinion can be controlled by the MSM.

    This was an in-your-face national disaster-in-the-making that had to be addressed immediately, without the usual pomp & circumstance, and no matter who introduced the bill, it was the right thing to do for the American people.

    While I’m a both-time Bush voter and believe him to be doing a good job given the hand he was dealt, I have taken umbrage with some of his policies. Over-all, he’s a good President and certainly 20,000+% better than his predecessor, but he ain’t Ronald Reagan.

    His SPP (NAU) scenario, of which both amnesty for criminal aliens and the Mexican trucker situation are part and parcel, is the agenda of his which I most oppose, not only because he is bypassing Congress and the people on projects in which they (we) need to be involved, but just as importantly because these projects are literally a clear and present danger to the sovereignty of the United States and the safety and well-being of the American People.

    Bush and his SPP cohorts can now wring their hands once again and mutter, “Curses, foiled again!”

    BTW — if you want to increase your popularity (you bein’ a “liberal” an’ all) in your neck o’ the woods, NRA license plates are now available, in the State of Idaho, for your pick-up. :-)