May 15, 2007

The Global Warming Issue…

… is the greatest farce in the history of life on earth. A hundred million people believe it.

It’s a cartoon that has somehow melded with reality in the consciousness of people all over the world. It’s embraced by, as a favorite novelist (Jack Higgins/ Harry Patterson) would say, the great and the good, world leaders, millions of naive, stupid or simply incredibly gullible people, the mainstream media, etcetera, etcetera.

Parasitic creatures from the septic tank of human life like Al Gore make great profits on the global warming scam while scientists who attempt to tell the truth are stifled and/or ruined.

In the last couple of decades, the far left has completely taken over the public education system and secured their indoctrinal empire within our universities. While they indoctrinate students, the MSM shapes and spins “the news”, omitting important details and reporting via politically biased, inaccurate accounts of events. So much the MSM reports as news is fiction.

They force the global warming agenda on Americans at every level, from school to the evening news, and are believed because the majority of Americans trust the media to deliver accurate news. For most people, the argument that they are being misinformed on so large a scale is met with a humoring smile or a shake of the head. No way!

Back a few months, when the last big GW kerfuffle exploded onto headsheets and dominated alphabet network propaganda news, I spent a lot of time visiting scores of blogs and so-called “scientific” websites that came down on one side or the other of the global warming argument. What stood out most was that on the Chicken Little side, no scientific facts were presented anyplace that supported the GW argument. It was a 100% consensus bit, while the Other (the right) Side oozed scientific evidence that supremely dampened the Gorehouse agenda.

Want the truth?

I erupt into some achingly powerful bouts of laughter while listening to, reading or otherwise ingesting global warming idiocy from the left. But then, I’m the kind of conservative who will tell a liberal that, “No, I haven’t eaten tuna in awhile. Ever since they took out that delicious dolphin flavoring, it hasn’t been the same.”

Okay. Sh-t! C’mon, Seth, shut up! Be at least a tiny bit PC!

Sorry, I can’t, PC just isn’t in me. However….

I once took the time to debate mongers and dupes of man-made global warming, then quit when I learned that these specimens could argue for hours without presenting a single piece of viable evidence. I couldn’t care less if eleven percent of haberdashers in the South Sandwich Islands believe that man-made CO2 is dooming our planet or a former Soviet politician is seeking his fortune as an Algore butt-muncher.

Butcha’ know, the entire GW affair amounts to nothing more than stupidity-based politics.

In more recent months, I came to the great discovery that the easiest way to keep up on the Global Warming con is to visit AB FREEDOM.

AB is on it like flies on —

He keeps up what might be called a running journal of specifics, article by article, letting facts speak for themselves. Damn, I envy him the time….

…Just kidding….

by @ 8:43 am. Filed under Great Commentary
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21 Responses to “The Global Warming Issue…”

  1. BB-Idaho Says:

    Regarding the ‘greatest farce’ etc, a couple obersvations: on the subject, Wikipedia offers several pages, 35 links & 62 references: Conservipedia has 510 words, 12 links & 6 references. In a nutshell, folks believe what they want and cherrypick their evidence. The naysayer evididence, while gratifying, is so scant that only one scientific orgnization, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, concludes GW non-existent. The many scientific organizations worried about GW are listed here: Having spent my career in science, I have my own opinions. But the nature of science being ‘tolerant’ of ideas, I think that opposing views are warranted, given the relative infancy of the study of atmospherics and the complexity of predicting long term meteorology. (given that short-term still gives us problems.) So, the disagreements are understandable. What I fail to understand is the underlying politics, where it is axiomatic for the far right to deny any part of GW, or the far left to worry about end-times. Only a guess, but would having a self-appointed poster child named Al Gore be a factor? And if so, Does NASA/NOAA and the American Academy of Sciences need to dump him and get a new poster child like Ann Coulter, the rising temp girl? :)

  2. Shoprat Says:

    The earth is getting warmer. No denying it.

    What is deniable is man’s part in it. Did we have anything to do with the “Little Ice Age” or the “Global Warming on Mars”. We know so little about the Sun that we are just making fools of ourselves. I have seen what is for me conclusive evidence that the main culprit is that big yellow thing in the sky. But politicians don’t benefit from that.

  3. Seth Says:

    BB –

    Everything I’ve read that was pro-manmade global warming has been consensus based, including the “science” sites, and I’ve seen no actual evidence that positively links man to the phenomenon, while the anti venues have presented real data to support their assertions.

    Speaking of links, better check the wiki one. :-)

    In the last chapter of Slander, Ann Coulter wrote that liberals have seized on GW because it’s the only thing they can come up with that will take the Republicans 1,000 years to disprove, LOL.

    Shoprat –

    I was reading someplace that Neptune is also warming. Count on the MSM and liberal politicians to keep a low profile on that, as well, unless they figure out a way to blame that on mankind, also. Then they can say that our CO2 emissions are overheating the solar system.

  4. BB-Idaho Says:

    Not sure if you have taken the test at, where
    we find our position in the circle of politics, sort of divided
    between authoritarian (top), libertarian (bottom) left & right.
    Well, I did and danged if I didn’t bullseye right in the center.
    (Sort of like when I attended management class-was a bullseye there
    too. This is an embarrassing place to be: hated by the right, revilled
    by the left, shunned by the liberatarian and despised by the
    authoritarians. Let alone hissed at by yin and termed wishy-washy
    by the yang. It’s like being a political transgendered mutant!
    With that in mind, try to understand that my comments regarding
    GW do not come out of left field, but are based on a compromising,
    consensus-establishing, weigh all the data, reasoned approach,
    middle-of-the-road, data-averaging dead-center approach. So, if Ann
    Coulter isn’t available, can we trot out Paris (spit!) Hilton?

  5. Seth Says:

    BB —

    I went ahead and took the test, though I’m sorry to say that many of the questions posed struck me as unreasonable as they were absolutes (always, every, etc), allowing only black and white, no grey. My “compass” placed me two steps to the right of the center line, the significance of which is lost on me, and right on the border between “Authoritarian” and “Libertarian”. Having taken other such tests in the past, I must say I don’t have all that much faith in the results.

    …hated by the right, revilled by the left, shunned by the liberatarian and despised by the authoritarians.


    Paris Hilton (spit!) — One of those no-talent people who is famous only for being famous.

  6. Angel Says:

    Is it hot in here?..LOL..great post I mean..rant!
    Keep up the good fight and thanks so much for your input at my site..please come more often eh?..:)

  7. Seth Says:

    Angel –


    Count on it, your posts are always upbeat, enjoyable reads. :-)

  8. MattGar Says:

    Hm, I cant agree with you in this particular case.

  9. Seth Says:

    MattGar –


    Disagreement is welcome. Feel free to elaborate.

  10. Gayle Says:

    Good evening, Seth.

    Yep, AB is a plethora of information on GB! I do believe GB is probably happening, but I simply don’t think we have anything to do with it. If we do, then how come it’s warming up on Mars?

    I’m going to go take that test, but before I do I have to assure you that I am considered one of the “right” and I do not hate you! LOL!

  11. Gayle Says:

    I took the test. Now I know the test is screwed up, Seth. They rated me as more to the left than to the right. Ridiculous!

  12. BB-Idaho Says:

    Sympathy to Gayle, who by no fault of her own found she was a moonbat. *heh* Since you both are solid conservatives and question the test, the problems with it are deliniated here: It seems it is a favorite of Libertarians (& Anarchists), although I cannot imagine why. A query on Sarkozy: as a centrist (see my Nolan Chart), I could, of course, make no decision of whether to be a franco(spit!)phile or a franco(spit!)phobe. So–when can we began listening to Les Miserables again? :)

  13. Seth Says:

    Gayle –

    I seem to remember taking a similar test some time ago with different questions and a similar chart, and coming out even farther left than you probably did on this one. :-)

    This particular test could probably depict Attila the Hun as a limp wristed pacifist from Mongol-Ashbury.

    There is a neat and informative ten question global warming test over at Pat’s Rick.

    BB –

    So the Nolan chart could turn Bob Dole into Abby Hoffman, depending upon the answers they supply.


    On the Gaullic end of things, in my book the French are enjoying a pass — the election of Sarkozy has shown them to be growing, collectively, both a brain and a spine. I bought a bottle of Courvoisier VSOP as a symbol of pending forgiveness and solidarity, and pray it was not a premature gesture.

  14. BB-Idaho Says:

    For whatever it’s worth, the political compass test at least lets us compare and contrast. The website invites blogowners to send in their test scores. Over three hundred have. I note Patrick of Born Again Redneck, Michelle Malkin and some place called MalkinWatch have responded. Of some interest is that the upper left quadrant, the Stalin residency, is pretty darn vacant. Can I expect to see HardAstarboard on that scatterplot shortly?

  15. Seth Says:

    BB –

    Actually, I already forgot the details of my results, having observed that they weren’t accurate. Even so, what would be the point of “comparing and contrasting” bad information? Wouldn’t that be a celebration of the “garbage in, garbage out” concept?

  16. BB-Idaho Says:

    Heh, how soon we forget: you were a +2,0 according to two steps to the right of the center line, the significance of which is lost on me, and right on the border between “Authoritarian” and “Libertarian.
    Malkin was something like +5,0. Everyone who has taken the survey, including left/right/up/down reports that it isn’t accurate. Including me. Why do we say that? Because the test algorithm is
    faulty? Because we see ourselves as elswhere on the chart based on our self-perceptions? Because the questions were irrelevant? Each question offers a number of choices, permitting range of opinion; I suspect the choice of questions, general political philosophy, gives a broader test than, say US Politics, the better to compare ourselves with world figures. I’m not defending the test, but since
    all 300 bloggers faced the same battery of questions the resulting data set may be more valid than you think, IMHO. Now as far as “garbage in-garbage out” that would apply to the recent immigration reform legislation…..

  17. Seth Says:

    BB –

    I don’t see where the questions left a “number of choices”, as they were all pure black and white. Ex: When they ask if you believe marijuana should be legalized — what if, say, you believed it should be legal for medical prescription use, as in California, but not for recreational purchase and use? Where is that distinction available in the question? It isn’t. This is the same structure of many of the questions. In my opinion, such a test is as worthless as the questioning a liberal trial lawyer applies to a witness on the stand — when the witness tries to explain that which needs explaining in order to accurately answer the question, the lawyer cuts him off with, “Just answer the question!” As a result, the truth never gets out and the jury doesn’t get all the facts.

    I disagree with your take of current prevailing Congressional (and administration ) trends toward “immigration reform” — they are more like “garbage in, garbage stays in”. :-)

  18. Gayle Says:

    “Garbage in, garbage stays in!” LOL! That’s for sure! I was tempted to take the test that Patrick at Born Again Redneck took, and also Michelle Malkin, but have decided against it. After becoming a liberal on this test I can’t take any more abuse! ;)

  19. Seth Says:

    Gayle –

    I’m with you 100% there. I have yet to take any such test that produces accurate results.

    It’s the same way I feel about political opinion polls, which are very much “garbage in, garbage out”: The MSM substitutes disinformation for accurate news, then people are polled for opinions based on the distortions and lies they’ve been fed.

  20. GM Roper Says:

    Seth, you have done a service to the world. The global warming hoax is designed with only one thing in mind - punish the productive countries (who are democratic in nature) who have contributed to CO2, but not the wildly poluting countries such as China. Hmmm, come to think of it, didn’t Owlgore accept money for his ‘96 and 2000 campaign from China? ;-P

    At any rate, I’ve been posting about Global Warming True Believers for some time. Here is the list. Keep up the good work Seth… oh, and stay warm in this decidely cool period of time. ;)

  21. Seth Says:

    GM –

    I’ve been hanging around in Chicago for a bit, and here in the second half of May, we are still having a goodly amount of winter weather. Algore needs to come here and straighten things out PDQ! OTOH, if he did, we’d probably have ice storms like they did in NY during one of his GW visits, LOL.

    Gore wasn’t the first to accept campaign money from China — he was merely following in the footsteps of his former boss, who not only accepted money from the ChiComs, but also gave them advanced U.S. military technology in exchange.

    Thanks for the list of GW posts, I will definitely enjoy reading the ones I’ve missed. You, Woody and AB ought to get together and start a blog dedicated to exposing the man-made GW farce, as between you, you don’t miss anything. :-)