July 18, 2006

Definitely Follow This Link

Always On Watch, an already great blog, links to this great commentary, which must be read.

by @ 1:29 am. Filed under Great Commentary
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7 Responses to “Definitely Follow This Link”

  1. Always On Watch Says:

    Thanks, Seth!

  2. Seth Says:

    Twas nothin’, my dear. Great post!

  3. Old Soldier Says:

    Seth, I spent a few moments over at AOW taking Ducky to task for his 101st Airborne comment. I had an exchange with him once before relating to our two Privates tortured and slaughtered by the Islamofascists. Ducky is a real piece of… work. (That’s not what I really wanted to say.)

  4. Always On Watch Says:

    Old Soldier,
    I know exactly what you wanted to say. LOL.

  5. Seth Says:

    Old Soldier –

    When I was over there earlier I saw the Duck’s comment and was just waiting for the backlash, LOL. I’m going back right now to catch up.

    Yes, the guy is a piece of… something, but I don’t think work is involved.

    AOW –

    Ain’t that the truth! I guess Ducky is to your blog what Timmah is to Raven’s. :-)

  6. Always On Watch Says:

    Pim’s Ghost’s essay has now been published at Faith Freedom. I knew her essay was a gem.

  7. Seth Says:


    If Friedman or Dowd can get a pay check for their malarkey, Pim’s Ghost should get a friggin’ Pulitzer!!!!