June 21, 2010

Obama And Wishful Thinking

According to One Jerusalem, Obama has badly miscalculated the support Benjamin Netanyahu enjoys from the Israeli public, but that is pretty understandable since lefties tend to base their perceptions on what they’d like them to be rather than what they are.

The Obama Administration has invested a great deal in trying to create the impression that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s policies do not represent the will of the Israeli public. When Obama insulted Netanyahu in the White House he probably thought that a majority of Israelis would approve of his actions. In one respect, it is understandable that Obama reached this conclusion. After all, his “Jewish Advisers”, Emanuel, Axelrod, and J Street continuously tell him that Netanyahu represents an extreme right-wing constituency among Israelis.

Well, this has been a mis-reading of the will of the Jewish people, especially those living in Israel.

A respected poll, conducted after the boarding of the flotilla ship, quantifies overwhelming Israeli support for Netanyahu’s policies. On a personal level, Netanyahu’s positives rating have climbed to 53% while dissatisfaction with President Obama has soared to 71%. In addition, 63% are dissatisfied with the Obama administration’s response to the flotilla.

And if anyone doubts that Israelis are determined to defend their country check out the response to a question about how Israel should react to an aid ship that the Iranians are threatening to sponsor: 84% would stop them at any cost. Just 7% would let them go quietly.

On related issues, like lifting the Gaza blockade and submitting to an international inquiry there is majority sentiment against these and other compromising proposals.

The pollster also noted that he had never seen such intensity among Israeli citizens. These positions are not lightly held.

Yes, a key phrase here might be, intensity among Israeli citizens.

by @ 11:51 am. Filed under Israel and the Palestinians
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2 Responses to “Obama And Wishful Thinking”

  1. The Gray Monk Says:

    The difference between the Arab/Palestinians and the Jewish people is simple. You can patronise an Arab, the Jews won’t be patronised. An Arab can be painted as a “victim” but it is now fashionable to paint the Jews as “Fascist Oppressors”.

    Left wing political attitudes explained.

    Simples - Tschk!

  2. Chuck Says:

    Gray Monk,

    This is true.

    It’s quite frustrating watching the usual suspects at the UN, the EU, etc do their usual one-way attack on Israel, never letting up, ignoring the facts and perpetuating the fiction.
