October 12, 2009

Here’s Another Of Those “Must Shares”…

…from Mark Steyn.

Was it only April? There was President Barack Obama, speaking (as is his wont) in Prague, about the Iranian nuclear program and ballistic missile capability, and saluting America’s plucky allies: “The Czech Republic and Poland have been courageous in agreeing to host a defense against these missiles,” he declared. “As long as the threat from Iran persists, we will go forward with a missile defense system that is cost-effective and proven.”

On Thursday, the administration scrapped its missile defense plans for Eastern Europe. The “courageous” Czechs and Poles will have to take their chances. Did the “threat from Iran” go away? Not so’s you’d notice. The dawn of the nuclear Ayatollahs is perhaps only months away, and, just in case the Zionists or (please, no tittering) the formerly Great Satan is minded to take ‘em out, Tehran will shortly be taking delivery of a bunch of S-300 anti-aircraft batteries from (ta-da!) Russia. Fancy that.

Fancy that, LOL.

Joe Klein, the geostrategic thinker of Time magazine, concluded his analysis thus:

“This is just speculation on my part. But I do hope that this anti-missile move has a Russian concession attached to it, perhaps not publicly (just as the U.S. agreement to remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey was not make public during the Cuban Missile Crisis). The Obama administration’s diplomatic strategy is, I believe, wise and comprehensive — but it needs to show more than public concessions over time. A few diplomatic victories wouldn’t hurt.”

Golly. We know, thanks to Jimmy Carter, Joe Klein and many others, that we critics of President Obama’s health care policy are, by definition, racist. Has criticism of Obama’s foreign policy also been deemed racist? Because one can certainly detect the first faint seeds of doubt germinating in dear old Joe’s soon-to-be-racist breast: The Obama administration “needs to show more than public concessions over time” — because otherwise the entire planet may get the vague impression that that’s all there is.

Especially if your pre-emptive capitulations are as felicitously timed as the missile-defense announcement, stiffing the Poles on the 70th anniversary of their invasion by the Red Army. As for the Czechs, well, dust off your Neville Chamberlain’s Greatest Hits LP: Like he said, they’re a faraway country of which we know little. So who cares? Everything old is new again.

Amazing, isn’t it? I wouldn’t be surprised if the left and the Obamas had characters like the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter lurking around in the White House and the halls of Congress, given the logic, or whatever you call it, that seems to provide a basis for American policy of late.

It is interesting to contrast the administration’s “wise” diplomacy abroad with its willingness to go nuclear at home. If you go to a “town hall” meeting and express misgivings about the effectiveness of the stimulus, you’re a “racist” “angry” “Nazi” “evilmonger” “right-wing domestic terrorist.” It’s perhaps no surprise that that doesn’t leave a lot left over in the rhetorical arsenal for Putin, Chavez and Ahmadinejad. But you’ve got to figure that by now the world’s strongmen are getting the measure of the new Washington….

Steyn is so very right (no pun intended) here, the entire column is a must read.

by @ 8:59 pm. Filed under Great Commentary
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6 Responses to “Here’s Another Of Those “Must Shares”…”

  1. BB-Idaho Says:

    Off-topic, as is sometimes my wont: but I ran across
    a blog called ‘The Broadside’, part of the Colorado Springs Gazette. Fellow there thinks and writes much as you and has same name. Is this just a coincidence?

  2. Seth Says:

    BB –

    There was President Barack Obama, speaking (as is his wont) LOL.

    I went over to the Broadside and took a look. Wow, well named individual, good head on his shoulders, obviously, but no… nothing to do with me, haven’t heard of this Seth before. :-)

  3. BB-Idaho Says:

    “If you go to a “town hall” meeting and express misgivings about the effectiveness of the stimulus, you’re a “racist” “angry” “Nazi” “evilmonger” “right-wing domestic terrorist.” Naw, just Code Pink types from t’other side…

  4. Seth Says:

    BB –


    Except Code Pink uses violence to demonstrate their nonviolent intentions (witness the Berkeley kerfuffle a couple of years back), whereas we conservatives, even when defending our government’s decision to go to war, demonstrate peacefully.

    Funnily, the left, while calling the right “racist” “angry” “Nazi” “evilmonger” and “domestic terrorist”, tend to emulate all the above types in the pursuit of making all their “points”.

    As I’ve said before, two things I’ve noticed when I’ve attended counter-demonstrations against portsiders are that a) the most profanity and downright unruliness come from the liberal side of the street, and b) when everybody’s gone, while the conservatives’ demonstrating area is always immaculate, all garbage picked up, etc, the liberals’ area is always trashed. Litter, graffiti, broken things…

  5. BB-Idaho Says:

    I’ll take your word for it. Haven’t been involved in a demonstration since I was Officer of the Day and some hippies showed up at the installation front gate.
    Only ‘litter, graffiti and broken things’ was a guitar pick. Halcyon days, those…:)

  6. Seth Says:

    BB –

    A guitar pick?

    Maybe when Joan Baez shows up…? With Bono, it’s that stupid wool hat. :-)

    These liberal elites who make a lot of noise about how we should all live and be governed bring to mind a line from Leonard Cohen’s song, “Stories Of The Street”:

    “All these hunters who are shrieking now
    Oh do they speak for us..?”